• How To Share a Closet with Your Significant Other

    Are you about to share a closet with your significant other for the first time? Are you nervous because you know that a shared closet can easily lead to clutter and contention? Sharing a closet doesn’t need to be difficult. If you come in with a plan and focus on utilizing resources like More Space Place of Dallas, sharing a closet can be simple. Here are our top tips and tricks to make sharing a closet easy.

    sharing closet couples plano

    Have Your Own Space

    Even when sharing a closet, it’s important for both you and your partner to have your own space. Rummaging around in each other’s space while getting ready in the morning can cause unnecessary conflict. Here at More Space Place, we want to help you respect each other’s space with some key closet features that give you both the freedom to organize and divide your items evenly.

    Create an Organization Strategy

    Do you neatly hang up your coat when you get home or do you toss off your clothing, change into comfortable pajamas, and then go about the rest of your evening? What about your partner? Picking up someone else’s mess and organizing someone else’s closet can get tiresome after a while. You and your significant other are in this together. Make a point to spend a few minutes every day to clean up your closet together. Use the time to listen to your favorite song or chat about the day – if it’s fun, it stops feeling like a chore.

    winter clothes stored winterStore Off-Season Items

    Storing items that won’t be used during the current season is a great way to create more space in your closet, especially if you have a small closet. You won’t need your heavy winter jacket in mid-July, so why let it clutter up your space all year? Custom storage bins are practical will let you maximize your space. Be sure to label the outside every storage bin with specific information about its contents. Simply writing, “Winter Coats” is too vague. Instead, specify whose items are in the bin. That way, if you need a winter coat mid-July, you won’t have to waste time rummaging through your significant other’s clothes. 

    Take Advantage of What Space You Have

    Whether you have a small closet or a walk-in closet, your space can feel cramped if you are not utilizing your space correctly. A custom closet will allow you and your partner to have specific closet collection for your needs. Things like adjustable shelving will give you space for boots in the winter and sandals in the summer. Big or small, More Space Place can help you optimize your closet space, making it that much easier to keep everything tidy. Contact us today at (214) 436-5433.

    Photo Source: © KhongkitWiriyachanSensay

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