• How To Make Closet Space In A Small Home Or Apartment

    It can be challenging to stay organized if you live in a small home or apartment; however, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make full use of the space you have in order to stay tidy and organized long-term.

    clothing pile


    The first thing to do before reorganizing a closet is to get rid of items you don’t need. Clothing and shoes that are stained, don’t fit anymore, and/or haven’t been worn for a year or more should be trashed, sold, or given to charity. Hobby items you no longer need or use should likewise be disposed of. In short, get rid of anything you don’t see yourself using in the next year or so.

    Use Hooks

    There are a number of accessories that can help you fit more into your closet while keeping it more organized than ever before. Hooks behind a closet door come in handy for purses, coats, or items that you use on a regular basis. Alternatively, you may want to put in one hook and hang an organizer from it; the organizer can then be used to store small jewelry items and other accessories.

    Make Full Use of Vertical Space

    Small closets often have a lot of vertical space that isn’t fully used, and there are several ways in which you can go about putting this space to full use. If you have a lot of clothes, putting in hanging space can be your best option, as you’ll be able to keep clothes organized and easily accessible. Plastic storage bins or decorative boxes can be ideal for small closets with household items. Clear plastic bins are often best as you can easily see what’s in each storage bin. The heaviest boxes should be at the bottom of the stack to prevent accidents.

    Alternatively, you can move a shelf, bookshelf, or dresser into your closet. These can be found in a wide range of sizes and styles to suit your needs, and the additional storage space can easily be used for clothes, accessories, books, shoes, or what have you.

    Customize Your Closet

    If you’ve tried everything and still don’t have the storage space you need, you may want to have a company such as More Space Place Dallas customize your closet to suit your exact needs. A custom closet can help you store items properly to prevent damage and make it easy for you to avoid losing important items.

    It’s not easy to make space in a small closet, but it can be done. Consider the tips outlined above and adapt them to suit your needs. A closet that’s easy to keep organized long-term is a reward well worth your time and effort.

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