• Creating A Shared Home Office Space

    Creating a shared home office is a fantastic way of saving space. With this being said, setting up a shared office can be quite a challenge. Whether you are sharing the space with a roommate, partner, or sibling, creating a shared office that works best for both people is a difficult task. Here at More Space Place Dallas, we have a few ideas to help you create the best-shared office space possible. Here is our guide to creating a shared home office.

    Keep The Layout Simple

    Having an overly complicated layout is one of the biggest causes of clutter in a home office.  Using a simplified layout will significantly reduce unnecessary clutter creating a more effective and comfortable environment. When determining the layout of the office, ensure that there is enough open space for two people. If there is not enough open space, the office will feel cramped and uncomfortable. Remember, the space needs to be for two people. A simple layout will help create a spacious environment that works best for both.

    Choosing The Right Furniture

    Desks, chairs, and other office furniture play a major role in your workflow. Choosing furniture that will work effectively for both people is very important. While one person might work more effectively at a sitting desk, a standing desk might be more effective for the other. Choose furniture that creates the best workflow for you while not intruding on the other person’s workspace. Ensuring that your furniture is not negatively affecting the other person is crucial to creating a fair shared workspace.

    new msp home office

    Consider The Other Person

    When creating any shared environment, you must always think of how the other person feels about the space. In a shared home office consider factors such as:

    • How much privacy does each person need?
    • Does the other person have enough lighting?
    • If I get up and leave the room, will it distract the other person?
    • Can the other person easily leave/enter the room without distracting me?

    By considering how the other person feels about the space, you can design the space in a way that is most optimal for both people. Knowing what the other person needs from the space is a key factor when creating a shared home office.

    zoom screen home office desk

    Contact Us:

    Ready to create a home office that is best for both people? Feel free to reach out to More Space Place Dallas for a complimentary consultation with our design team! Our expert team will help you find the perfect solution to create a shared home office.

    Contact us today!

    Photo credit: © Ake1150sb, KatarzynaBialasiewicz

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